Thursday, November 6, 2008

Banana Black Beans

Ingredients :

2 cups cooked black beans
1/2 cup coconut milk (light can be used)
1/4 cup plain soy milk
2 bananas, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
2 stalks green onion, diced
1 heaping teaspoon hot chili powder


1) Place cooked black beans into a medium saucepan with coconut milk & soymilk and heat on medium-low for about 3-4 minutes.( In a pinch I have used a large 19 ounce can of black beans instead- just make sure to rinse well in a colander before using to get rid of excess salt!) Stir occasionally.

2.) Add chopped green onion & hot chili powder, and allow the liquid to reduce and become bubbly, still stirring occasionally.

3.) Add chopped banana, stir, and allow to heat through. ( Banana shouldn't be added too early or else the pieces lose their shape and become mushy)

Served on a bed of brown rice, with a salad on the side this is easily one of my favourite quick and healthy meals and is so, so delicious!!!

Note: measurements for the coconut and soy milks are approximations since I never measure- I eyeball; you may need to adjust amounts due to your own tastes. YUM!

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 5 min

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